The Good
The dvd has extrodinary sound and filming is exceptional. The dvd/cd package is dedicated to the gentlemen who recorded and mixed the recording of the show (who it seems passed away in February of this year) and it's heads and shoulders above the sub par sound of the Temple Bar cd. The disc begins with what seems to me to be a very heartfelt reading of Rockstar by Dr. Madd Vibe. I had never seen him recite this poem before and it took on a whole new aura to see him recite sans the music. This segued into March of The Fishbone Soldier as Wet Daddy added a funky ass beat in the background. They were soon to be joined by Spacey and Norwood and each added their own special touches to the impromptu jam. As the jam picked up speed so did Angelo. "Fishbone Soldier is a trooper 'cause controversy is his funky fate". "Walk on NIGGA'S Walk on" he screams with emotion I can't describe in this post. Without playing an actual "song" these brotha's have my full attention and as of now it's my favourite part of the dvd. The setlist, thank god isn't strictly 101. Surprises include a insane version of CCBAR. As I stated the mix is excellent so for all you Chim Chim lovers out there you'll be amazed to hear this song the way it should have been heard the first time. Wet Daddy goes buck wild with the double bass attack that to some may a bit excessive but I kinda dig it. In The Heet Of Anger is the best FB tune that they've written since the Chim Chim album, yea I said it. It's a shame that only the faithful will get to hear this gem, I can't get enough of it, and to think that when I first heard it on the comp. I agreed that it was a throw away. Premadawnutt is Premadawnutt is Premadawnutt. I prefer the new arrangement that the boy's are currently playing. I've read alot of posts that claim that the production of GAMAB is fantastic! I agree for the most part but Warmth and Fear both sound tinny and terrible to my ears. I think that the live mix of Swim, which closes the dvd/cd puts the studio version to shame. I have never enjoyed listening to that mundane song more than I did the other night. There is some commentary from Norwood & Angelo that pops up approx. 6 times throughout the show which is quite hilarious.
The Bad
The aforementioned commentary cuts into the end of Wid It and cut's of the first verse of Cholly. Both Spacey and Wet Daddy mess up on Ma & Pa in different places. On my $25 canadian version the audio and video are slightly out of synch during parts of Dr. Madd Vibes's Houesecall. Can someone please let me know if this is the same on your copy as well? There are only 14 songs included.
The Ugly
The packaging and liner notes, which includes spelling mistakes are truly amateurish. Is Antoine working with the Bone again?!?! Crucial Management is credited on the dvd and the cover as Fishbone's management. There is neither a menu or any extras included in the dvd. Of the pictures on the case, 80% are of Walt smoking blunts. There is not one picture of Wet Daddy in this package and he's still in the band. Do you think High Times Records are trying to make a statement here? I've saved what I think is the worst for the last and I've been searching and searching for some kind of excuse but lawd knows I can't find one. On the cd, there are 2 second pauses between each song. How could this happen? What kind of shit is that? It sounds terrible trust me. With my little Easy CD Creator I can mix these songs and burn them to another disc to eliminate the pauses but would it have killed someone at High Times to do this on their end?
Anyways, there you have it, my Good, Bad and Ugly comments regarding the latest offering from Fishbone, for what their worth. You shouldn't be dissapointed with the set, as I said the sound and camera work are both top notch. The band is smoking but like on these recent opening dates, they are gone far too soon.