
Still Stuck in Your Throat available on ITunes
Sat, Apr 21st 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
Buy the digital version of Still Stuck In Your Throat off ITunes here ! Get it, write a review, make some buzz ! This album with the proper buzz could finally represent Fishbone's break for success ! Do your part NOW !
Still Stuck in Your Throat available for preorder from
Sat, Mar 24th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
The wait is almost over ! has just listed Still Stuck in Your Throat for preorder (13.98USD). The US release date is set for… Read more
Rock on, J.Wo
Thu, Mar 15th 2007, 17 years ago by web
The familyhood has lost a good soldier last week. Toronto soldier John, aka J.Wo (after Jennifer Lopez called herself J.Lo) aka Jazzpatrick, unexpectedly passed away at age 42 while visiting his father in Barbados on March 7th. He leaves a wife and a kid behind. I've known John for the past 7 years or so on the Nuttwork and immediately appreciated his witty sense of humour and "don't take anything for granted" approach. Besides, he was yet another strong Chim Chim partisan. My thoughts go… Read more
Trulio Disgracias and Weapon of Choice European release announced
Mon, Feb 26th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
Ter à Terre Records has announced for April 30th the European release of Trulio Disgracias' debut album Nuttin's Gonna Git'Choo If U Don't Look Out and Weapon of Choice's 6-hour long DVD. If you live in Europe and intend on buying these records, please support Ter à Terre's courageous efforts !
Trulio Disgracias CD released !
Thu, Feb 22nd 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
It's been promised for a few years; it is now actually available ! The first CD by Trulio Disgracias, Nuttin's Gonna… Read more
Angelo talks about <i>Still Stuck In Your Throat</i>
Sun, Feb 18th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
Bulgarian (!) online magazine Stroeja interviewed Angelo who gives a full reading of the songs on the new Fishbone record, Still Stuck In Your Throat. Read the interview in English at
New release from The Soul of John Black
Fri, Feb 16th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
John Bigham, former guitarist of Fishbone, has just released The Good Girl Blues the second record of his band The Soul Of John Black. The CD is available from CDBaby and available on digital outlets too (Itunes,...).
This record is probably the perfect follow up to the eponymous debut LP of JB. It's pretty much stripped down to the essentials with as usual great vocals and a… Read more
Wolfunkind, RIP
Fri, Feb 9th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
Wolfunkind, the French band that opened 90% of the last Fishbone Euro shows has called it quits. Their vibrant mixture of psycho-funk and (attempt at) Belgian humor (i.e. self derision) will be deeply missed. Angelo contributed a couple of tracks on the last record L'?ge de la maturit?, covering Grimskunk's Looking For Gabio and giving a Madvibesque follow up to their Martine dance-machine anthem. I doubt that the… Read more
Party at KROQ!
Thu, Jan 25th 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
KROQ Los Angeles is playing Fishbone's new track "Party With Saddam"! It doesn't matter where you're from... Please help out! Request the song by going to and following the "request a song link" on the left. Then, under the SUBMIT button, click "if your song doesn't appear in the list above, click here to write it in" link.
Thanks all! Pass it along... You can call the request line too! 1-800-520-1067 Blow… Read more
Live on Canal+ (French HBO)
Mon, Jan 22nd 2007, 17 years ago by Denis
Check out Fishbone's last TV appearance on French Canal+ on January 19th. They perform Cheyenne Star… Read more