Angelo Moore
Also known as
- Dr Madd Vibe
- Vocals
- Saxophones
- Theremin
- Percussions
On active duty from the begginings to now during which he played 3348 shows.
Other bands
- Dr Madd Vibe (Side project) Spoken Word
- Dr Madd Vibe and the Missin' Links (Side project)
- Angelo Moore and the Brand New Step (Side project)
- Weapon of Choice (Worked with) vocals on "Count Mackuluv"
- Trulio Disgracias (Worked with)
- Red Hot Chili Peppers (Worked with) backing vocals on "Uplift Mofo Party Plan"
- Jerry Cantrell (Worked with) horns on "Cut you in"
- Jane's Addiction (Worked with) horns on "Idiots Rule"
- Tijuana No (Worked with) vocals and saxophone on "Contra Revolution Ave."
- Los Fabulosos Cadillacs (Worked with)
- Blowfly (Worked with) horns on "The Twisted World of Blowfly"
Tagged in 173 photos