New York, New York
Wed 18 Jul 1990
New Music Nights
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First Fishbone show ever. The Dead Milkmen, 2Live Crew and The Dirty Dozen Brass Band opened the show. I actually went to see the Milkmen and 2 Live Crew. I didn't know much about Fishbone except for two videos I had seen on a video channel called U68. And I missed Truth and Soul because I was Stationed in Germany when it came out.
Anyway, after 2Live Crew finished their set , I decided it was time to go home. It was getting late and I had to be at work in about 6 hrs. On my way out, someone stopped me and asked 'Where ya goin' dude, you don't wanna miss this. If I were you I'd stick around.' So I stuck around. I would rank that decision as one of the best decisions of my life.NO JOKE!
Let me tell you, I was absolutely blown away.
The P.A. was playing NWA song just before they came onstage and the crowd started hopping up and down to the beat and the energy started to reach a fever pitch.(I'm getting goose chills just typing this). Chants of "FISHBONE" and "FISHBONE IS RED HOT" filled the Palladium. (est. crowd size 2500-not sure). Then the band came onstage and the place went nuts as they began with "Party at Ground Zero" Hey, I heard that song! At that point I was sold. I can't remember any other songs as I wasn't familiar with any of them, though I do remember "Bonin' in the Boneyard".
The other tihngs I remember about that show, the Flyin' Fish, the huge circle pit, my first stage dive, and Angelo going all the way to the back of the club, climbing onto the balcony and jumping into crowd.(way before Eddie Vedder). I also remember the show being really long and wanting more. And last but not least the feeling that a punk, funk, ska and rock band could make a brother feel totally exhausted and completely alive at the same time. To this day, I have yet to see any band, no matter the genre , put on a show so completely exciting. Simply put, the best show from the best band ever.
p.s. excuse the bad grammar