Kawasaki, Japan
Mon 10 Feb 1992
Club Citta
The date of this show is usually referred to as Feb 16th 1992, which is probably the broadcast date of the recording. The date is confirmed for Feb 10th in the liner notes of the Singles compilation.
2 show videos
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Live recordings
2 live recordings for this show
Type | Source | Length | |||
Soundboard | 01:20:00 | ||||
Professional capture | 01:25:59 |
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i can't believe no one has reviewed this show from back in the day. i was not there but just got the video yesterday 5/17/05 and saw it for the first time. and holy shit!!!!!!! is what i got to say. this is fishbone at their finest doing what fishbone does, making nuttmeg stew. all original lineup with the addition of john bigham. the video was professionally shot and aired in japan in front of a couple of thousand? fishbone fans. well, hundreds at least. the energy released and absorbed by the band and the fans was pure love and must still be reverberating around the universe. a killer song selection(sorry i fucked up the playlist with the doubling up of songs, there seems not to be a way to correct this) and everything played was just badass and on point. now i'm not one for reunions {foward ever, backward never}, however...
you should be willing to give up your left nutt to get this video
and it should be required viewing for all new bandmembers.