Los Angeles, California
Sat 30 May 1992
Benefit to Rebuild LA

2 review(s)

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Chris, without any invitation mind you, decided to join Tom Waits onstage for one of his songs. It turned out to be really cool but I was certainly a bit concerned when he just walked out there. Tom was cool about it too.
Awesome show, gotta say, one of my favorite days in The Wiltern.
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We played on a bill with Fishbone in L.A., and I was worried, that oh god, I'm gonna have to play for their audience and they're gonna have to play for mine, and I think they're two totally different audiences, because they have a mosh pit and thw whole thing, they're hanging off the rafters. I was afraid to play on the bill with them, and I got there I met 'em and they were great. The show they did just changed me, it really changed me. It was so loud, it was so electric, it was just loaded. Really, it combed my hair and gave me a sunburn. They fly, yeah. That's when you realize that music, it does something physically to you. It can actually lift you and throw you around.
Tom Waits, in Straight No Chaser, spring 1993 issue, Tom Waits meets Jim Jarmush.