Seattle, Washington
Tue 22 Sep 1992
Moore Theater

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This show was amazing.
True Story: I remember I didn't have the money for a shirt, and I saw Angelo in the lobby area behind a counter after the show. I asked him if he would sign my shirt and he refused. I was a little bummed. maybe a minute later, Layne Staley (Alice in Chains) and I walked into one another. I didn't know Layne, but looked at him and say "hey Layne, Angelo wouldn't sign my shirt." Layne responded, "he wouldn't? What a dick." Then he asked, "Well did you like the show?" I told him the show ruled. Layne replied, "well at least you can still leave with the right memory, but he still should have signed your shirt."
That was it, I left the Moore and headed back home. It was the only time I ever saw Layne in person, and he seemed really cool. I have only seen Fishbone a couple times since, but I do think this show goes down as one of the best concerts I've ever attended.