Detroit, Michigan
Fri 10 Mar 1995
St Andrew's Hall
Support Act(s)
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Okay, guys...Well, I went to Detroit to see Fishbone last night (Friday)
and it was a strange night. First of all, I missed most of the show
because they went on very early...around 8:30 or so. Anyway, they were
pretty much the same as they have always been, but there was that void
left by Kendall and Chris, still Angelo and Walter were something to watch.
The set was comprised mostly of new material. For their encore they did
Pressure from the Reality of My Surroundings. They did it quite well,
but, unfourtunately, that was the only song they did from that album.
Okay, so after the show I got to talk to the guitarist (John Bigham) for
a while. He gave me the scoop on what will be next for Fishbone...he
assured me that they were still very much alive. A new album has just
been recorded and will be called "Chin Chin's Bad Ass Revenge," or
something like that. So that pretty much sums it up...