
I was at this gig and I'll keep it short because the other reviewer did a pretty good job. In fact, other than my wife and me, he might have been the only other person who stuck around for Fishbone. It was sooooo sparse. I saw them in front of thousands in LA in 91 and couldn't believe this. Luckily the next time I saw them in Boulder, my faith was renewed. This was a pretty good show though really although they lost me when they brought those chicks on stage for a few songs. De La Soul, like most rap groups live, just don't do much for me although I appreciate them. And do I remember correctly that Goodie Mob was there too? Anyway, a good gig, but as far at the bone goes, not a memorable one. Although they did an awesome version of "Cholly."
Okay. Saw the tour here in Boulder, Colorado Sunday night. Much
to my surprise, Fishbone did headline. I know that as of late, people on
this list said they'd been closing, but awhile ago I got the impression
that they hadn't. On top of that, all the posters on campus had De La
Soul on top, and the tickets read DE LA SOUL / FISHBONE.
So, the good news is that they weren't limited in their time. The
bad news is that everyone but Fishbone fans left. I'm assuming that
Fishbone joined this tour to try and promote their music to a wider black
audience. This has been something they've wanted for many years; black
audiences to hear their commentaries on black existance. But by
headlining and letting everyone who would've stayed for De La escape, they
missed out. In some ways, I wish they hadn't headlined. But then again,
they put on an awesome show (as usual) that wasn't limited to 50 minutes,
so fuck that.
Joi said her album was coming out in January, although the tape
samplers she sent out read that the album should be out now. So I guess
there was a delay (Gee, that sounds familiar. Didn't the same thing
happen with Chim Chim?). She played 4 songs. One was slower, more
sensual. The others were more aggressive. The tape has (I think) one
full length song with Fishbone, and 2 snippets. One sounds very much like
Fishbone, with liberal Theremin and that... drum like thing that Angelo
rubs (what's the name of that thing?). Incidentally, whoever said they
went to the show where Joi stripped down, I envy you.
I was really surprised by how much of the older material was
played. Cholly, Question, Bonin', maybe Ghetto Soundwave, all before Joi
came on. Then after, they seemed to really hit into the Chim Chim stuff,
along with other rockers. It's like they were trying to entice the De La
fans to stay for the funk, and hope they'd stay for the whole show. But
that just didn't work.
Angelo was much more reserved, too. His shirt actually styed on,
and he never jumped into the crowd or climbed the speaker stacks. The no
crowd surfing thing is easily explained by the lack of a crowd to hold him
up (I'm telling you, the place was FULL for De La), but... I don't know.
He was still nuts, but nothing like last March at the Fox Theater. The NO
STAGE DIVING swigns posted on every monitor really ticked him off, I
think, 'cause he was all over the place.
So... there you go. Another satisfied customer.