
The show in Toronto on the 25th was amazing. John actually spent more time
facing forward the backwards, so he must have been happy. I caught one of
Fish's drumsticks -- they say "fishsticks" on them and have the fishbone
symbol on too. Fish has some huge tattoos now; there's one of a blue whale
that takes up his entire upper-right arm. The best thing about the night
was when I talked to Angelo. He said the next album is three quarters
done, and the dates in Canada were just for fun, because the tour has been
over for a while. Angelo also said that he's going to be a father soon.
He says it's a girl, and he plans to get a tattoo of the ultrasound on his
thigh. He's already decided on the name Diana Star Forever Moore. I think
this will make two of the members parents now. Just thought I'd tell
everyone about an incredible show.
Hi everyone
Just thought I'd fill you in on how the latest Toronto Fishbone concert went.
Last time the hurricane provided some of the thunder, this time it was
definitely all Fishbone.
It was an all ages show, so the crowd was pretty young. My wife, Linda and
I chatted with this guy who looked our age: it seems he was there with his
13 year old son for the kid's first live show. Imagine, cherry at a
Fishbone show. Anyways, we told the guy to be prepared because it was gonna
get real loud.
And it was.
Fishbone were real tight and the horns were in tune, and they seemed to be
real happy to be playing. Angelo was his usual manic self; no theremin at
this show though. Walt kills me because he looks like a football player
about to be interviewed about what a great game he had; but it's
motherfucker this and motherfucker that. Norwood was grinning and John was
scowling. Fish had his drumset turned towards the back of the stage,
probably because they would have been too loud otherwise. When he got his
double basses going it was like standing in a blizzard with the wind right
in your face; enough force to almost knock you down. It was a great show,
except that the guitar was mixed to far down and I couldn't hear it loud
enough. But that's how it is in these warehouse concert halls; the high end
always get's sucked up.
The song mix was perfect, a bit from each album, and the sunglass song. The
flow was great as they smoothly shifted gears through the funky tunes, to
the ska, to the in your face stuff. Brilliant. It left the crowd absolutely
limp at the end. Not much surfing as no one much wants a winter boot in the
head, but everyone was moving non-stop.
I think the rest that Fishbone had after Christmas did them good and people
can ecpect some killer show's at the just announced dates.