
Also, I was at the the HOUSE OF BLUES as well...great show, Mike did you
see me?I had a Fishbone shirt on dude! You couldn't have missed me!
Seriously though, if you were checking out Norwood I was on the opposite
side of the stage, so unless you were one of those oversized individuals
who kept swimming around (everyone had to help them) then i probably
didn't see you.
Anyway the new poem does sound like very likely song material, and it
does include a refrian which ends like this:
"like my bald head friend I take to the sky, and they fly
and they fly
and they fly
It is a very nicely crafted poem, and he did say that he and JB wrote it
sick ass show, i walked out with black eye though, caught an elbow from an enthusiastic fan....good times. first time i saw fish playin' drums with his back to the fans and the band, he did not even glance at the stage while playing, strange i thought at the time, last time i saw him play with the bone.
Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word
Please not that this setlist is incomplete or not in order.
I went to the show last nite. It was awesome! Of Course. However, I have
not seen them perform for this long in a quite a while. They started at
11:00pm and went to about 1:30am. Straight Energy all the way through.
They did a real good balance of old/new material. Angelo did a new
poem(maybe a song) that he and John B. wrote. Something about" I'm gonna
act like my bald-head friend and take to the sky and fly fly fly". It
sounds like a Seal reference although the song is not about him. You can
maybe hip everybody up on this new song. Oh yeah, the vendors sold out
all the stuff (even Angelo's poetry book) except these baby t-shirts with
a Chim-Chim picture on it. I took a friend who never saw them before and
I think she is hooked now.
Michael Pryor