
Hey People-
Jah Dave and I just got back from Salt Lake City. We drove out to see Nuttstock, and I must say, if it comes anywhere near must go!
Fishbone came out and played first, and it was incredible! They were playin with John Stewart, Spacey, and another Guitarist whom I didn't
know. Plus John McKnight really fills that void left by Chris Dowd. I think in all the songs I remember were
Shakey Ground
Aids and Armageddon
Freddys Dead
Just Allow
Where'd you get those pants
Unyielding Conditioning
The Goose
Ma and Pa
They played alot more, I just don't remember.
I got the chance to ask Norwood about Nuttcase Scenario, though he said too much Red Tape was involved for us to get a copy.
Anyway, then Vikki Calhoun Played. I have seen Vikki play a number of times in LA, and always knew she was a great vocalist, but her bands
were always sub par. This time The Bone was backing her up, so it was pretty rad.
She ended with a Rendition of "whole lot of love" that brought the house down!
Then Laundry played, which is Tim Alexander's (formerly of Primus) new band. It was really good, and they did a great version of Floyd's "welcome to the machine".
Then out comes Blowfly. If you haven't seen him you are really missing out. What a sick fuck. He is this 60 yr. old Dirty old Rapper.
Then band was great though. It was Lonnie Marshall (Weapon..One nutt Stand) Norwood, Dirty Walt, John McKnight, John Stewart on Drums,
and Jason Segler (Psychodelic Zombiez) on percussion.
Lonnie Marshall did One Nutt Stand was pretty much the same band exept John,Tim Alexander, and Jason Segler shared the Drumming duties.
I am a huge fan of Lonnie Marshall, and it was great. But he was shrooming, so he kind of went off on a tangent.
Fishbone came out and Blew the house down again, and then kinda morphed into Trulio Discracious.
6 hours of Totally kick ass music.One of the greatest shows that I have seen.
Definitely worth the 8 hour drive.
"Perfect" and "dripping" were the two words that kept escaping our lips as we tried to verbalize what we were experiencing on the Nuttstalk 2000 stop in Salt Lake City.
My part of the journey to SLC began Saturday night as I left my abode in Colorado Springs and headed up to Denver to meet up with fellow list member and Psychodelic Zombiez vocalist Mike "Po Po" Friesen. (Po will be helping to fill in the details that I've forgotten, or am just making up.)
After staying up way too late and getting up way too early, Po and I were headed north to pick up our third traveler Kevin "Chevy" Martinez. Chevy is also the Bassist/vocalist for the Zombz.
The eight hour drive across the desolate landscapes of Wyoming and Utah passed easily. (I won't bore you with details, but it was a good ride with good friends, jah know?)
We arrived in Salt Lake around 2:30 with about an hour to kill before everyone was to be at the Zepyher (or however you actually spell it). So we hooked up our hotel arrangements, drank beers, and listened to the new Zombiez rough mixes until it was time to check back to see if the Nuttmeg crew had arrived. We had to repeat this process a few times as they were running late. (bus problems I believe).
Finaly, two aqua-puice busses were parked at the club. First guy to see was Norwood on the phone in the vestibule of the club. As we head to the side of the building there's John McKnight coming up the sidewalk wearing his customary grin and carrying equipment. "A little out of your range aren't you?" he asked suprised to see Colorado folk there to greet him. He said things were going well despite a few bus hassles. We finaly found our good bud and former Zombz drummer Jason "Ho-Ju" Seigler, as he was coming back from getting some grub. Ho-Ju has moved out to LA and is drumming with Trulio Disgracias and One Nut Stand. Unfortunantly, the other ex-Zombz (Geoff "Double G" Gallegos, Keith "Keefus" Cincea, Davy, and Josh "Larry" Lopez) had to leave the tour to make another gig and couldn't be there. Wait, I don't think Keefus was ever slated to be there... That's a Po question.
Wow, this is going to end up being a novella, so I'll just jump right into it. (you're welcome.)
So the show starts off with Fishbone. Unyeilding was the first song. After that you'll have to ask Po for the order. The crowd was sparce on the dancefloor for much of Fishbone's first set. (remember it was still early.) However, when the songs would end, the place would erupt in applause. So, from our vantage point on the side balcony we couldn't really see that there were quite a few people below us, all of which seemed completely enthralled based on their reaction. The bone played quite a bit of new material. I tell you, these songs translate very well live. After our beloved Bone, I think it was Vicky Calhoon's turn. Most of you will probably remember Vicky from RHCP's "Knock me Down". Vicky is just amazing! So much warmth and Love comes from her. Just so happens I was peaking during her piece de resistance "Whole Lotta Love". I had to do everything I could to just keep from knawing on the banister. Spacy T's work was so 3-D. Everything was clicking. This is where we start!
ed to notice the talent and sonic amazement that was dripping from out of the PA, to the ceiling and then enveloping the crowd. Yep the place was dripping with talent and sounds.
Man, who was next? I think it was Tim "Herb" Alexander's Post-Primus Trio, Laundry, to play next. Very very cool. Now Tim is not a compelling vocalist, but he dosen't suck. Most of his effect-laden vocals seem to be there for placement. What does that mean? I don't really know, but that's how I'm describing it.
His drumming is never in question. Solid. Solid. Great older kit. Tama I think, but I don't know. He's parred down. I think it was maybe a five-piece set. At one point, Derga joined his group and sang an awesome version of "Welcome to the Machine". Think of Primus' version of "Have a Cigar" and add three parts more edge and psychedellia. Derga used to tour for Pink Floyd. You may have seen her in a video. She's awesome and not easy to miss. Beautiful long long long dreadish braids, snake tat coiled up her right arm.
Then, I think it was time for Lonnie and One Nut Stand.
I'm going to have to cut this into two instalments as it's time to leave from work and head home. I'll finish up later tonight.
News of note before I sign off:
Triple X records (remember Jane's first album) is going to distribute Walt's album! How fitting!
Dave Olsen