Santa Monica, California
Thu 23 Aug 2001
Temple Bar

2 review(s)

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Nuttwork archives
Here is the set list as written:
Skankin Go Nutz
Heet of Anger
Last Dayz
Git Out of the City
Black Box
The Devil Made Me
Are U Wit It
Dance it Down
Lose Our Minds
Demon in Here
Frey'd Nerve
And We Fly
And We Fly is definitely a pop song. Most of the other songs are pretty heavy.
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right from santqmonica ok i apologize for qs instqed of As this fucked up keyboqrd is q qwerty one...
ten people in this tiny motel room waiting for tonight's gig. let me tell you. the new music rules. lqst night they only played new music and the songs were phat!! i'm very bad at reviews, so i guess i 'll others contribute, but these songs are so good that at no moment did we miss the classic tunes. incredible gig tonight pqssing the mic to adam
Hola, one and all! Adam here. I can't talk too long as I have to get over to the club to meet with the other camera people. All I can say is last night was amazing. I couldn't tell you what all the songs were as I was mostly concentrating on framing with my camera. Besides myself, there were 7 othere camera rolling, including one with a fisheye lens for some amazing close-ups. Now I gotta pass... the laptop!
aloha! this is nicole. got in from hawaii at 5 am and i'm real excited for the show tonight! wish all of you were here but you'll see the results soon enough!
Hey! This is Jenna...I wish you all were here, but we'll keep you informed on all of the happenings. The show was amazing and the energy in the place was so high!! I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the shows, so I'll let someone else!! Gotta you guys