Solana Beach, California
Fri 05 Oct 2001
Belly Up

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Let me say i was slightly apprehensive as the show approached. i got into the band back in 87, loved their records up to T&S, but was actually slightly disappointed with Reality (although, i never did get to listen to it all that much--someone broke into my apartment and stole my stereo and vcr [as well as a fishbone hat i had and a really cool knife my sister brought me from India--they even went in my refrigerator and stole a beer!], but anyway, guess what cd was in the player when the bastards took over--that's right, Reality).
Anyway, not a really big fan of Chim Chim and the heavy metal side of FB. Metal to me is pretty much the only genre of music that is, by definition, crap--remember, that's my opinion only, your mileage may vary. As well, the last two times i saw the boys i was somewhat underwhelmed. The first was at UCSD and it was right after the Rodney King verdict. The boys just played hot and heavy. They just seemed angry. One of the reasons i love FB so much is their positive energy. To me, this wasn't them. Besides that, the show was really short. i chalked it up as an effect of the racial stupidity that was heavy over everything at the time.
The last time i saw them was in a little bar on the beach. i enjoyed this show actually somewhat more, except, "Hey! What's with Fish? He's set up with his back to everybody!? And no keys?!" It was the first time i saw Angelo with his theremin, and either he was still too new to it to play it properly or it wasn't working right. He himeself grew disgusted with it, although he kept looking back at it and then going back to fuck with it again. But the boys were in good form. All in all, a pretty good show. Not truly the band i loved so much but, still the best band in the land.
And then PFN came out and for my money anyway, as slick as it is, it brought me faith in the band i loved so much. It seemed more of return to the positive vibe of old. So i'm really looking forward to seeing the band here in San Diego (for being based so close, they rarely make their way down here, why is that?). Then Kassoff comes on sends his little bomb of negativity, and i'm wondering if when i see them, i'll feel the same way.
No worries. The Good Dr comes out speaking in tongues. Stewart, Norwood and Spacey come out and do a JB type jam behind him, and then Angelo gives it over to Dirty Walt. i don't remember the first song they did (maybe rolling in many blunt ways) and then Nutmeg World. After that Walt announces that everybody must go out and get the DW cd as it is the Shit and has many grooves to smoke along to.
Fishbone proper next. Norwood says, "We gonna give you a look into the future. No matter what you heard. It aint gonna be like that." They play (not an exhaustive list, and not in order probably)
Skankin To The Beat
Lyin Ass Bitch
The Devil Made Me Do It
Are You Wid It
Git Out Of The City
Dance It Down
Last Days
Frey'd Fuckin Nerve Endings
Ma and Pa
Skank and Go Nutz
Aids and Armagedon
Fight the Youth (hmm..did they actually do that or am i making that
up? i'm not sure)
Party at Ground Zero
(there was more, it was a really long set list)
And then they jam. Angelo introduces Walt, Dog King of the Freaks, and he's out. Spacey next. He jams, and jams, and jams (i swear i saw smoke coming off his fingers), and then finally he's out. All the while Steward is playing his ass off. He's standin up behind his kit like he can't keep his arms up, trying to stretch and shit...But Norwood's up next. Norwood and Steward jam for just a little bit, but 'Wood takes pity, cuts his solo short and he's gone. Steward goes on for just a bit longer and he's done. Angelo announces that there's
Fishbone shit that everbody should check on their way out and he's out.
An incredible show. Now the criticism. Yes.
i need keys. Angelo's theremin doesn't do enough to fatten up the sound like a full keyboard does. The theremin lays a solo line, it's more like having another horn than taking the place of the keyboards.
Maybe it was the signs that the Belly Up had posted everywhere forbidding stage diving and crowd surfing, or maybe it was that the stage was too small, or maybe it's just that the boys are getting old, but their stage presence just wasn't as manic as it used to be. i agree with Steve Hurley's post. For me, what really got me, the first time i saw the band, was the energy and chaos onstage. i miss it.
And lastly, there didn't seem to be as much interaction with the crowd as usual. It just seems like their stage presence has dimmed somewhat. That was always what amazed me most, was their presence, and how despite the chaos, the music was always tighter than a mosquito's ass. It was like the cliche about the Grateful Dead, "There is nothing like a Dead show!" Well, i used to feel the same way about FB. There is NOTHING like a Bone show! But now the show is gone and all we're left with is the music (not that that's anything to sneeze at--i'd love FB even if they were shoegazers). Or maybe it was just a slightly off night, i don't know. Have they changed? Are they older? Too old to
rock and roll? Was the Belly Up gonna blacklist the Bone if Angelo stirred up the crowd or, god forbid, surfed himself? Does he do that anymore? What ever happened to that big cane he used to have?
And one last kind of wierd thing: maybe it's cause i was disappointed in their stage presence, but Angelo (maybe all of them really, but especially Angelo) seemed shorter. i don't know, he just seemed shorter.