
My dad and I arrived there about an hour before the show started. As usual we hung out and vibed with Fishone backstage then myself, my dad, norwood and john went around the corner to get some sushi. Later I went on the tour bus and I met blowfly,,,very cool laidback fellow indeed.
Later on, Fishbone did the sound check before the show They did "chimm chims..", "beergut"...and a couple other tunes that I cant quite recall,,,I should have posted this info that I can remember....:o) The mix was pretty good.
The fishbone performance at Fletchers was OFF THA HOOK!!!!! Fishbone underwent 3 metamorphosis:
Blowfly started around 9pm. It was a 30 min set. The interesting thing is that blowfly was backed by the members of Fishbone(Spacey T, John,Nowood,Walt) only. VERY PHAT. During Blowfly's set, Spacey T's guitarisms were ROCKING Fletcher's off of its Fo undation. Norwood's bass was funkier than ever and John's pummeling behind the skins was relentless!!! Walt's funky crazed backing vocals were cool. Blowfly's XXX humor between each song was HILARIOUS. I LOVE the rendition of "We Will Rock You" entitled " We Will Fuck You". The audience was singing along. Incredible performance!!!! I'm really glad I got the opportunity to see Blowfly live
Dirty Walt & the Columbus Sanitation(Walt backed by the bone minus Angelo) was up next. It was a 30 min set. EXTREMELY FUNKAY.
Then Came Fishbone 11:30-2am. Fishbone proved that they "WHIP THAT ASS" as the "Nuttsactor 5". I really dont miss the keyboards especially considering how TIGHT Fishbone's live musicianship is. The new songs KICK MAJOR ASS!!!!!! I cant wait for the ne w album to come out or live CD to come out. Even though Angelo and co. was in mourning of the passing away of his friend Brian, they still put on an excellent show. True soldiers indeed!! I love how cranked Spacey T's guitar was during all 3 sets. Set lis t(not in exact order):
Party at Ground Zero(1st song)
Question of Life
Ma and Pa
Bonin in the Boneyard
Out of the city
Last Days
Skank n go nuts
Skankin to the beat
Freddies Dead
Aids & Armagedon
Shakey Ground
I'm a Weed Plant
Servitude(last song)
It was a awesome show as ever. Blowfly was definitely off tha hook. I've never heard of him before until now, but he was truly funny. He has a lot of spunk for an older guy. Of course, Walt was on tha money. Everyone enjoyed his stuff. Fishbone was great. I can't remember the set list cuz I was having too much of a good time. I got a lot of pictures in fact a roll and a half. As soon as I become computer literate, I'll try to post them.
I think we should also pray hard for Fishbone. They are truly going through some hard times and it showed on stage. To me Angelo was not his usual self. He had alot to drink that evening and messed up on a few songs that left the rest of the band hanging and Spacey T. getting angry and leaving the stage for awhile. He is very distraught over the death of Brian Vogel.
I hope he doesn't blame himself for his death. My husband and I felt really bad over this and was hoping Fishbone would come out for awhile to sign autographs and stuff plus we wanted to say a few encouraging words to them but they didn't considering the circumstances. If anyone has personal contact with Fishbone, pass on an good word or two and definitely tell them to keep the faith.