
I have to second Tina's sentiments on tha Milwaukee show Aug 9th! Great show as far as I can remember.The guys seemed relaxed and very much into tha show.The show seemed a bit short but maybe that wuz just me.I wuz way swept off my mind by tha Nuttmeg in more ways than one!My cares were a million miles away!As we approached tha club Angelo wuz reclinin' on the hood of a car kickin' back and visitin' with some folk.Angelo wuz sportin' a fly ass neon orange suit with bowler to match!Angelo gave me a big hug and then he hauled my bud and I into tha club adding us to tha guest list.Someone must have put out tha word cuz it seems he wuz expecting us.Angelo split back stage right off so I didn't git a chance to thank'm properly.A bit later I realized why Angelo disappeared.When we entered tha club DEADWEIGHT wuz on stage and like 3 songs later Angelo wuz on stage wit'em.Angelo wuz all up in it with puurrfect sax and vocals!They played 'Straight' off of DEADWEIGHT's NUTTSACTOR 5 release.Like Tina I wuz very impressed with DW and how full thier sound is for a 3piece!DW seemed even more dynamic live than on thier most recent release.When DW joined FISHBONE on stage for 'Sunless' I guess my expectations were too high.It wuz great until the end when tha violinist kinda fucked tha ending.I could imagine that 'Black Flowers' if they would have played it would have sounded great with the addition of violin.
Tina I apologize if I seemed a bit distant plus we kinda split on ya after tha show.My tank wuz empty.My friend and I had subjected ourselves to tha Nuttmeg experiment earlier that evening.I definitly recommend DW's Half-Wit Anthems!
this time I caught Mr Plow and Deadweight, and all I can say is wow! Mr Plow is hilarious! And Deadweight just kicked ass - if I wasnt looking at it I wouldnt have believed all that noise was coming from 3 people and those instruments! Not being very co-ordinated myself I was impressed that the one guy could sing and play violin at the same time. Like with the Chicago show, the two string guys from Deadweight got up and guested on a Fishbone song and that was cool. The Fishbone set was again all the new stuff and then (in no particular order or claim to completeness...) Party at Ground Zero, BCT, Lyin Ass Bitch, Fishbone is Red Hot, I wish I had a Date, Shakey Ground, Aids and Armaggedon, and Sunless Saturday. And Angelo and Spacey T did an accoustic version of Weed Plant which was very cool. The guys seemed to be having alot of fun, a fair bit of banter going around up there.
Got to meet up with JahFree and his friend, always a pleasure - hope you had a good day Saturday and safe trip home. Rokkingirl, I looked for you but didnt see you.