Bend, Oregon
Wed 12 Jan 2005
Domino Room
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Fantastic show...
Startred real late. Apparently, they wrecked the van and trailer earlier that day and a "YeeHaw" pulled them out. I got there at 8 and they had the kick drum set up. That was it! No opener, and by they time they hit the stage it was almost 11pm. The only drawback of that was that there were one or two obnoxious drunks by then. The crowd was smallish, and I must say not that energetic. But as usual, the guys played hard. The stage was postage stamp sized and that made it hard for Angelo to get too rowdy. But he still played his ass off and it was a great show.
Hopefully they will come back. We don't get that much good music here in central Oregon. The Rev Horton Heat is coming back, so I have a bit of solice in knowing that fact.
Thanks guys! You were amazing! PLEASE come back somday soon!