Simply excellent and powerful.
The place (rack' am) is a little place so the contact between FISHBONE and public was great and fantastic.
2 hours of an explosion of enjoy and real music as always : for example Servitude during 10 minutes !!!!
At one moment ANGELO singing on the bar like a jazz man ,before cross the people .
it was a perfect mix of funky, hardcore, ska ,
old (freddie's dead , ma and pa, party at ground zero, lying'ass bitch... )and "more new" songs ( karma tsunami , the suffering....) and of course the excellent? live at the temple bar ?
They are really set fire the place and people
a pure beautiful and extraordinary sound like in 90's when i saw them in PARIS for the first time
FISHBONE REVIVAL and it's the best thing of this beginning of year.
I always and definitly stay a fishbone girl and a fishbone soldier
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