Anaheim, California
Sat 09 Apr 2005
House of Blues
Main Act(s)
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First of all, FUCK Disney!!! I hate goin' there!
Second, Jeff (the merch. guy), you fuckin' rock!!
I can't say that I've ever seen a bad show, and Fishbone proved that once again they still rock hard! They were opening for Slightly Stupid, a Sublime type band. 95% of the audience was there to see SS, and didn't even know who Fishbone was, and what they were in store for. There was an opening DJ, who went by DJ Zack. . . he was ok, nothin' special. The all aged audience (very young, for the most part), were completely in the dark as far as who Fishbone was. They thought DJ Zack was Fishbone. I did my best to educate the very young souls about the band. And told them to take notes, but most of all I tried recruiting them to be Fishbone Soldiers. When Fishbone took the stage, they had know idea what kind of band they were, or their ledendary and influential history. When Fishbone took the stage, I was even surprised myself to see that Torrel was not there. Even more of a surprise was that Dre Holmes, was not there either!?! Talkin' with the band, I think they were just as surprised too. But McKnight was there to fill in the blanks, and did very well as he always does.
Fishbone did a wide range set of everything they had. New jams, plus their classics, not too mention a few singles that are not preformed live very often. It was a short, but very sweet show.
Angelo's family was there. His mom and his daughter. I had the chance to meet them both. . . very beautiful souls.
A Soldier for life!