This was my first time seeing Fish Bone, and everytime they come to Philly again I will move heaven and earth to go see them!
Mr. MaddVibes knows how to work a crowd and get everyone on their feet. I suggest you wear glasses and cover up, because Mr.MaddVibes sweats a whole hella lot!
You can tell these extremly talented musicians love what they are doing, and were there for the crowd and for the music!
Norwood Fisher had the illest hairdu, and said "Even though I didn't compose this song, its hella good." Then you hear the Sublime's Date Rape, and a split second later the whole floor was a giant mosh pit. I don't think it was possible for anyone there last night to not tap their foot or at least dance to Fish Bone. These guys deserve madd props and let me tell you, If I had some more cash last night I would of bought their CD in a heartbeat, it is I guess.
To see pics and a video from last night's show at the troc follow these links to my website.
the 40 sec video clip doesnt have any sound, but thats okay, because Fish Bone is entertaining to watch. Mr.Madd Vibes got the nickname the entertainer between the group i was with and I.
Everyone Enjoy, you will have no problem listening to this inspiring band!
here is the truth, ruth.
i've been a fishbone soldier for going on 20 years. that's a long time. and i've seen all incarnations of the band. here is my review of the show from last nite:
first, no offense to rocky george, but he definitely needs to work on his guitar tone(s). i think he's an ok player (old suicidal tendencies fan as well), but not sure if his playing style fits in within the framework of the band. at the very least work on your tones...the overdriven tones sounded thin and brittle (especially the leads), and the clean tones could use some boost in the mids to help cut thru everything else. he also looked asleep for the first half of the set - maybe too much chronic?
new keyboardist is a good addition to the band. it was nice to hear some keys back in the mix...kind of missed them the last couple times i saw them play live here in philly.
also the first time i saw them live with john mcknight. a good all around player, wicked trombone! definitely a keeper.
angelo is the man, that's all i can say. the greatest front man ever. the first time i saw him live was at the spring fling at Temple in philly, in the late 80's - he crowd surfed from one end of the crowd to the other, all while singing his heart out...almost 20 years later, still the same intensity and passion...
ok, so here's my biggest complaint - it seemed like the band tailored their set list to appease the fans of slightly stoopid, instead of having a more eclectic set list that would really showcase their musical diversity. it's enough of a crying shame that they had to open for the band, let alone play a cover (date rape) to try to win over their fans (it was the only song that most of the crowd reacted to) - most of the show, the people around me were shouting out things like "get off the stage" and screaming out the headliner's band name. very rude to say the least, and very ignorant of who FISHBONE is to say the most. there wouldn't be a slightly stoopid or a sublime if it wasn't for the punk/rock/ska pioneers. instead, fishbone should have done a cover that would have been more fitting, and with just one word alteration to the song title, minor threat's "guilty of being BLACK". i stayed for a couple songs of the headliner's set, and they all sounded like the theme song from the tv show "COPS". very one dimensional and boring. sorry guys, i know you aren't supposed to bash other bands, but i guess i'm too old to be politically correct anymore.
anyway, please keep on keeping on. there are some people out there who appreciate diverse music, and fishbone are the greatest of the great, even if there was no dirty walt! what would it take to have a reunion of the original fishbone? what happened to the guys that wrote and played the song "mighty long way"?
hope the new album kicks ass...

Fishbone fan dismayed by something Stoopid
By Rob Watson
For The Inquirer
We scribbled the date on our calendars and listened to the band's catalog during the wait.
That's what Fishbone soldiers do.
Through a tragic consequence of music-biz misrepresentation, manipulation, and probably outright racism, music fans have had little access to the seminal black rock/ska/punk/funk group. But those who have seen it know that very few acts have approached Fishbone's energy since the group began partying at ground zero in 1985.
Tuesday night was to be another Bone show at the Trocadero - a place front man Angelo Moore has blessed many times, either by reciting his poetry as his manic alter-ego, Dr. Madd Vibe (with his own theremin accompaniment), climbing speaker towers and launching himself in every direction, or just skanking to the beat with that seemingly double-jointed frame of his.
In other words, as with many other venues, Fishbone owns the Troc. Or did until Tuesday.
Maybe I should have paid attention to the actual concert bill. It did say they were with some group called Slightly Stoopid. But that was just another mall-punk/pseudo-reggae band trying to be Sublime. Wasn't it?
We figured an 8 p.m. start meant grabbing some brews, seeing Stoopid, and then hanging on for the wild ride Fishbone has always taken us on.
Arriving close to 8:15, I recognized the social punk/funk riffs of "Unyielding Conditioning" from outside. What was going on? Why were my brothers in arms playing already?
Were they... openers? That's like having saxophone great Wayne Shorter open for Kenny G! In musical terms, it was almost blasphemous!
After that realization, things went downhill for me. The place was full of 'burbs kids so intent on seeing Stoopid that the messages of revolting against the man ("Subliminal Fascism") and everyday social ills ("Sunless Saturday") went completely over their heads. Hence, the energy was somewhat subdued.
The audience did go crazy when the band slipped into a cover of Sublime's "Date Rape," however. That pretty much says it all.
At the Trocadero - Philly (5/24/05)
At 7:35pm, Angelo Moore (Fishbone's frontman) did a long poem called "Fishbone Soldier" while he was hiding backstage, speaking through a bullhorn. After the poem and another 25 minutes of taking care of sound problems & enjoying Angelo doing another one of his Dr. MaddVibe selections, it was on to the show.... at 8:00pm, Fishbone began their set with "Unyielding Conditioning", featuring the thunderous bass riffs of Norwood Fisher and the distinctive soulful vocals of Angelo Moore. The scratch guitar riffing by Rocky George was very, very good! The next song "Everyday Sunshine" was good because of the tightness of the horns (Angelo on saxophone and John McKnight on trombone). "Karma Tsunami" was amusing because of the way the band ended the song after the last lyrics "KARMA TSUNAMI-MI-MI"....the music stopped for about 8 seconds before Angelo signalled everyone to jump back in and finish the ending...the last 20 seconds or so was Angelo laughing maniacally into the mic! "Date Rape" (I assume it's a tribute to punk-rock band Sublime) was some high-powered punk-rock madness, followed by the Fishbone-penned punk-rock force of "Subliminal Fascism"....the driving drum riffing by John Steward, blazing guitarisms of Rocky and smolderin' bass licks of Norwood were enough to smoke the entire building! "Sunless Saturday" and "Freddie's Dead" were followed by the amazing "Hide Behind My Glasses", featuring the diabolical keyboardisms of Dre Gipson! There was a reggae jam that featured Dre on lead rap vocals and Angelo on the theremin...the reggae eventually turned into the reggae-inflicted "The Suffering", featuring Norwood's backing vocals where former trumpeteer/vocalist Dirty Walt would have chimed in. Fishbone ended the song on an uptempo party note with "Party at Ground Zero"....the horns were tightly blaring and the ska groove made many fans danced about insanely in the mosh pit....even though the Trocadero security staff attempted to discourage folks from moshing! Unfortunately, since Fishbone was opening for Slighty Stoopid, the Nuttmegamania had to end at 9:00pm.
This isn't going to be an impressive review, Dr. Brookenstein summed it up pretty damn well, but this concert was damn impressive. You guys have so much energy, and it just radiates to the crowd. To say the least, it was one of the best concerts I have seen thus far. Keep it up Fishbone...