fishbone has been the best band on stage in this festival. They are really back in the early 90's with this powerful energy, the continuous jumps made by Angelo and Dre swimmin over our heads, and the perfect musically work of the whole band.
I'm sure they have now many young fishbone soldiers. Maybe 5000 people were at the beginning and sure more than 10000 about the middle of the show. They were incredible!!! Everybody had a smile on their faces. People sung whe angelo turned the microphone to us, people clapt their hands when angelo did it and people moved their arms whe angelo moved theirs.
I was so excited after the show that on the next day I drived my car 300 km to see fishbone again in Gijon with new fans: two crazy ladies that were really shoked with fishbone!!!
Excelent performane. Some Fishbone Soldiers, and for sure a lot more new soldiers after the powerfull performance.
Angelo and De Andre Gipson surfing into the crow several times.
Thanks Fishbone!!!