Denver, Colorado
Sun 28 Oct 2007
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Good show but there was hardly anybody there! Between the 2 bands that played they had the crowd about out-numbered and sadly danced more than the crowd as well. I have been an avid fan of fishbone since 1987 always purchasing cds and have always gone out of my way to see them in concert driving 6 hours round trip at times! Angelo and crew went wild on stage and afterwards he just wasnt into the crowd so it seemed. I guess you cant be everybodys friend at 1:30 am as well.
Whatever, Fishbone will always be great, I just hope they keep pushing forward and avoiding diversions and pitfalls (drugs and clouded minds) because they should have been in stride with the Chili Peppers all these years and charting, breaking up barriers and moving always forward.
What am I a critic?