Livermore, California
Sat 17 Jan 2009
The Burro
Support Act(s)
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First, lets talk about the Burnin' Burrow. It's a good sized venue with recording studios and secured parking in the back. But they employ a buttload of Security guards. Everywhere you look, a tattoed humungous security guard. The Burro is a relativley new venue so it just might be naivety with hosting shows or something. Plus bands have to pay $500 to play a show there. I hope that didnt come out of Fishbone's funds. Makes absoulutley no sense. Why there are so many security guards. So onward to the bands.
Lavish Green is a four piece funky dub punk band with the singer playing trumpet. Pretty enjoyable. The lead singer would do the guitar strumming the trumpet, and pretend to hit the cymbals with said trumpet. I dunno, not my thing.
A couple drunk people came for OPM. They made their obnoxious presence known to everyone. I didnt really pay attention to the music. Mostly hoping that the drunk people would leave by the time Fishbone came on.
They opened with Unyielding Conditioning and went into rub a dub and suffering then bonin i think. I'll try and figure out the setlist. Angelo was on top of his game Unfourtounatley, the crowd was rather thin, and crowd surfing wasn't really possible, but that didn't stop Dre from jumping in. The Security guards would not let people mosh. Although somewhat of circle pit was opened up for Alcoholic soon discontinued thanks to Burro Security. But as soon as Unyeilding started all of this was forgotten. This was one of the most magical night of my life.