Santa Clara, California
Sat 01 Mar 1986
SCU Underground Coffee House
Show in March 1986. Day unknown
1. Mr Zero
3. Ugly
4. Cholly
5. Knock It
7. Hide Behind my Glasses
"Looking Glass" on setlist
"Looking Glass" on setlist
8. Deep Inside
12. Give it Up
13. Alcoholic
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This was my very first fishbone show. My friends and I had recently (through KQAK The Quake) discovered fishbone's Modern Idustry and decided to go to the show at Santa Clara University. We bought tickets at the door. I think it was $6-$8 to get in. It was a small hot room with a low ceiling. I'm not positive that this is the correct set list from the show. I know the first song is correct. This is when Angelo comes running out, jumps off the stage, puts his head through the acoustic ceiling, and into the audiance. It was like nothing I had seen nor heard before. This was the start of 25 shows and counting. fishbone is Red Hot!