Eugene, Oregon
Wed 23 Feb 2000
Nuttstalk 2000

with Fishbone, Weapon of Choice, Vicky Calhoun, Laundry, Blowfly, John Black, Trulio Disgracias
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The show was incredible! My girlfriend, Melissa, and I arrived
at the Wild Duck a few minutes early. It really didn't matter much since
there was only a couple other people outside the doors. We saw Norwood
eating in the restraunt, but since he was eating I didn't want to bother
him. After getting in, I talked with some guy that was with the band.
He let us come backstage with him and I got to meet McKnight, Angelo, and
Steward. I didn't get to talk to Angelo that much, but I chatted with the
two John's for a bit. They were both really nice guys.
Fishbone took the stage with some warm-up type funk instrumental. At
this point there are about six people in the "crowd." One of the band members
said something to the effect of, "We would like to thank this venue for letting
us do a dress rehearsal here." They proceeded to play "One Planet People,"
"Lyin' Ass Bitch," "If I Were A...I'D" (two times, the second one was the Marine
one), "Just Allow," and "It All Kept Startin' Over Again." Though there may
been a bit of a lower energy level, I thought they sounded GREAT! They had some
guy playing congas and there was also a female backup singer that had thigh high
boots and long braids. I met both of them but can NOT remember their names!
Vicky Calhoun went on after Fishbone. But first, Dr. Madd Vibe
showed up
with his new laptop. He read some poem about "bitches" and how men and women
were changing rolls. I would look it up in my poetry book, but it seems
that I have
misplaced it. Vicky was backed up by most the members of Fishbone. I guess it
would be classified as R&B? She had a great voice. Unfortunately, she only
three or four songs.
After Vicky's set, my girlfriend and I went backstage. I got to meet
Norwood, Spacey T and Walt. I got my picture taken with Norwood and Spacey T.
Melissa and I also met Vicky. She's going to send my girlfriend a CD! I talked
with Norwood for quite awhile. Here'a a condensed version of what we talked
about. The Trulio D. and Dirty Walt's CDs are still in need of a
distributor. The
one they were working with was also going to release Angelo's CD (same one).
listening to it, he decided that he didn't even want to hear the other stuff.
Apparently he didn't "get" it (Angelo's CD). They are looking at a few
other labels
for distribution. They are hopefully going to do a world tour with the new
Norwood said that it would take them to places that they had never been before.
Rowdy has the masters to the "Nuttcase Scenario," but Fishbone still owns
the rights
to do whatever they want with them. The ten song promo will probably be all the
songs released on the new album. This is the first time I ever talked to
and he was a really nice guy. He was really easy to talk to.
The next band to come out was One Nutt Stand. From what I gathered,
it was
mostly Fishbone members and then a few members of Weapon of Choice (Fish wasn't
drumming). I really didn't pay much attention to these guys. I was talking
Norwood for the first half of their set. They weren't bad, but I really don't
remember any of the lyrics or much of what they sounded like. At this point
is around 60-70 people there.
Laundry played next. We were hungry so we got nachos and missed
After Laundry, the porno rap-master Blowfly took the stage. He was
a riot!
Fishbone was also backing him up, so how could it be bad?? He was pointing
out girls
when he was telling all the guys how to see if they are loose or not. I
don't think
I really need to go into details here. He's just NASTY! One of the biggest
with the Blowfly set was that they needed to turn his mic up.
Once again, Fishbone took the stage. They started off with
"Freddie's Dead"
and then moved on to "Aids & Armageddon," "The Suffering," "Where'd You Get
Those Pants,"
and "Shakey Ground." There was also a song in there that I don't know the
name of (it's
unreleased). It was great to hear the new materail live!
Fishbone kind of morphed into Trulio Disgracias. Their first song
lasted 35 minutes!
The guys in Fishbone must be getting tired on this tour. They spent a good
3.5-4 hours
on stage! We only stuck around for 40 minutes of T.D. because we were both
beat. Norwood
was rapping instead of playing bass. He didn't do that bad! Besides
Fishbone, there was
the bassist for Laundry, the singer (?) for One Nutt Stand, a different
drummer, the lady with
the thigh-high leather boots and LONG braided hair, the bellydancer girl
from One Nut Stand
and Vicky was supposed to come back out for T.D. It wasn't as big of a
group as when they
played in Portland in '96/'97. The sound guy apparently didn't know what he
was doing because
various people tried to get him to turn up the volume on their mics, and he
couldn't get it right.
When we were leaving, John Steward stopped us to say bye! He said that he
was screwing up all
night, but I thought he was doing pretty good. I ended up burning two 24
rolls of film last
night. If the pictures come out good, I'll be placing some of them on my
web page.
After last night's show, I think I found some new respect for each
member of Fishbone:
John Steward: I payed attention to him a lot last night. A lot of his
parts seem easy, but
can sure pound on those drums when he needs to!
John McKnight: Besides just playing keyboard, trombone, and singing
backup, he also throws
some guitar in there! What CAN'T he do?? He also sounds really
great on the trombone.
Norwood: Slap Bass. Need I say more? The rapping was pretty cool too.
Spacey T: I love his guitar work. He really gets into his playing! He
can play those poppy-
ska songs or whip out those metal licks! Plus he was doing these
"record scratches"
on the guitar when Blowfly rapped.
Angelo: Angelo is an all around performer in every sense of the word. He
as tons of
enery and looks like he's having a great time! He is the ringmaster
AND the circus! :)
You can tell that he puts a lot of heart into his work.
Walt: Walt didn't really stand out last night. They had his small
trumpet there, but he
didn't play it much. He mainly sang backup. Walt has a really
great voice.
Sorry for going on forever. This is actually the shortened version, believe
it or not!
Take it easy.
Chris Schatz