
first off, let me say that this was my first fishbone show...
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what an awesome show!!!!!!!!! (id add more
exclamation marks but i think yall get the idea) this was easily one of the
best shows that i have ever seen.. if not THE best.
i wanna get a tape of this show like some other cat on the list suggested.
i saw one guy with a video recorder there so if youre reading, HOLLA
angelo is fucking INSANE.. i dont know if he does the stuff that he did last
night at all the shows, but if he does, dude must drink like 7 cups of
coffee before each show....

Man! I had such a crazy day yesterday. First, I pulled a 16 hour day at
work and didn't get out 'til 11:30pm. I sorta felt like Dante in "Clerks"
("I'm not even supposed to be here!"). The only real plus was I got to meet
Mr. T. How fucked up is that? Mr.T and Fishbone in the same day.
Anyway, I got to the Limelight around midnight. I knew I had missed the
Pilfers and I figured I missed at least a third of Fishbone's set. Lo and
behold, I walk in and there's Angelo hangin' out on the side of the stage
talkin' to folks. Ah, relief. I didn't miss a thing. As for the show itself,
DAMN!! If they weren't "tighter than a mosquito's ass", they sure were close.
Three highlights stick out for me: 1) Spacey T's solo at the end of "The
Suffering" literally gave me goose bumps, 2) Angelo baggin' on Guiliani
during "Ugly" and "Weed Plant" and 3) Norwood leading a chant of "Smoke bud!
Drink blood! Woo! Woo! Woo!". I know there are more but I'm kinda delirious
at this point because I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night b4 I had
to go back to work. Toodles!

Just wanted to add my 2c to the conversation. It was a good show last night,
but not quite as good as the past couple of shows they've played at Tramps in
the city (more because those 2 were amazing, especially the earlier one where
they played Black Box). One thing that I though was lacking though was the
Walt songs. There weren't any. Whats up with that? I love Angelo and think
he's one of the best vocalists of all time (and probably the best stage
performer of all time as well), but it would have been good to hear Walt do a
couple of numbers too. A shame.
Good to hear Wish I Had A Date again. Don't think they've performed it in a

Yeah man, i have to agree with u on The Tramps showing being a bit better.
Limelight was a great show, but that last show or the last 2 shows at Tramps
were unbelivable energy. They were shows that the band had so much energy,
it was like the audience had no more energy and they were still going at 1000
miles per hour. Just an incredible show! I guess thats the only reason the
Limelight didn't live up 2 it. I had the Janes Addiction shirt "Nothing
Shocking" if anyone happened to notice. I was leaning up against the stage.
By the way, that guy taping the show, please let us know how we can get our
hands on it!!! Spacey T was very impressive. Yeah he does look alot more
comfortable up there and his playing and mix was very good. I asked Spacey T
if they were gonna play Letterman but he said it "fell through". Angelo did
his Junkies Pray to like carnival type piano going behind him. That was
pretty funny. Angelo is still the best front man in music.
Just got back from the! Great show. They never fail to blow me
away. They played until almost 2. Too tired to give a long review but I do
have the setlist. Nice highlight for me was Angelo dedicating Ugly to Rudy
Giuliani and then ripping on him again before Weed Plant. Here is the set
When Problems arise
Beer Gut
Just Allow
Wish I had a Date
One Planet People
Aids & Armmegeddon
Freddy's Dead
Sunless Saturday
Subliminal Facism
I'm a Weed Plant (not on setlist)
Karma Tsunami
On set list, but didn't play:
Shakey Ground + Behavior