I just got back from a RHCP/STP/Fishbone concert at SPAC in Saratoga
Springs, NY... It was a really good show overall, but unfortunately
Fishbone only got to play 3 songs :-( The concert was supposed to start
at 7:30, but Fishbone didn't start until about 10 after 8, they played
Sunless Saturday, AIDS and Armageddon, and The Suffering.. What they
played they were right on, great performance, I never saw them live... I
met Angelo beforehand, went up and shook his hand and stuff, cool guy...
All in all a good concert
I just got back from a RHCP/STP/Fishbone concert at SPAC in Saratoga
Springs, NY... It was a really good show overall, but unfortunately
Fishbone only got to play 3 songs :-( The concert was supposed to start
at 7:30, but Fishbone didn't start until about 10 after 8, they played
Sunless Saturday, AIDS and Armageddon, and The Suffering.. What they
played they were right on, great performance, I never saw them live... I
met Angelo beforehand, went up and shook his hand and stuff, cool guy...
All in all a good concert