
Just a few more words in reaction to the Ann Arbor show: like I said, I thought it was just an amazing show. The energy onstage and in the audience was incredible, and they were just about as tight as I've ever heard them live. Spacey T's licks just sounded fantastic. You always know the old tunes are gonna go over like gangbusters, but I was just so impressed with the new tunes. They just had every little bit of everything that I've always loved about Fishbone -- the funk, the feel, the spirit, the crunch. Damn, I'm grinning ear to ear just thinking about it. And I was happy that the crowd really got into the new tunes too, even though most obviously hadn't heard them previously. It was a great crowd, so in my book, Ann Arbor rules.
As for the opening acts, Dr. Maddvibe gave an inspired performance -- I'm just amazed how he can take a crowd of folks wanting to hear music, but do his poetry instead and keep people hooked. He is truly one of the greatest performance artists I've ever seen. I feel compelled to write an academic paper about him (I've done a bit of work on acting) just so people who need to know about him realize the gravity of his work.
Dirty Walt and the Columbus Sanitations' tunes were fun; they went right on the heels of Blow Fly (who was backed by all Fishbone minus Angelo) and it was a seamless transition of kick-ass funk. Old dirty bastard Blow Fly was pretty funny, but there's only so much of the pussy and dick stuff that I can take -- I enjoyed grooving to the tunes at least.
Overall, I don't have enough thumbs to fully express the "thumbs up" sentiment that the show deserved. It was just fantastic, and that's all I got.
Got home an hour or so ago...Jeff and I went to get some grub after the gig. Tight show all around. Never seen nor heard Blowfly before tonight..great shit. WOC added to the bill would've made it perfect. (well, maybe if you also added Mike Watt & Les Claypool/Primus/Frog Brigade/Oysterhead/whatever to the bill, then it'd be perfect ;) Haven't seen WOC in 5.5 or so years.. I remember Party at Ground Zero was the first song..then it was just sort of a euphoric blur after that..mix of new songs and old classic. I thought Git Out of the City was one of tonight's highlighs, but I mistimed the switching of Minidiscs and cut the last few minutes of said song onto MD 2. I need to find the guy I saw walking around with a stealthed D100..since 90m DATs hold 3 hours of music as opposed to 74 minutes per MD. Should get my masters back next week
sometime...Derek took them so they could make copies for the band at a studio in PGH. Met up with Chris, Jeff, Brian, KCholly. Didnt get to meet Erica though. Familyhood means exactly that. Only setback from tonight was people kept running into my mic stand and every so often stepping on my shoes...should've worn boots instead of Chucks.
Might go to the Grog Shop (Clevo) show Saturday..anyone know if it's sold out or not?