West Hollywood, California
Wed 26 Nov 2003
Viper Room
Show with Flea as guest on trumpet
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hey hey airbody!!!
the viper room show was a wh?nother bag'o'nutts...
sit List was pretty much the same butt the crew is Locking shit down,
and spreading out in more directions.
The horns were on point, (Tim-I on 'bone, and FLEA on trumpet) and it
was very cooL to see AngeLo barking out orders as bandLeader. As
Overton Loyd astuteLy observed, there's a certain raw energy (he caLLed
it the "anti-tight") coming thru the performance. That spontaneous
improvisationaL chaos is very exciting. In contrast to the santa
barbara show, Kid Merv was repLaced by MichaeL BaLzary on the trumpet
and both guitarisas were there. Now, Tori Ruffin is a BAD motherfucker.
Him and Rocky together is whoLe other mug... Rocky was abLe to stretch
out more and bust those crazy suicidaL Leads. And I continue to get
chiLLs when Brewster Lays down the church organ. I reaLLy hope this
unit moves quickLy beyond the cataLog and starts crafting some next
shit. The potentiaL for something amazing is aLmost incomprehensibLe.
AngeLo kept caLLing it "The Fishbone FamiLyhood". This is good shit.
StiLL gonna miss WaLt, and i got nuttin' but Love for Spacey T, butt
ooooh ooooh Change... it's the onLy constant...
The viper room sound system was exceLLent, the mix was perfect;
theremin, keys, guitars, and horns baLanced exactLy right. The crowd
was an enthusiastic bLend of archetypaL sunset bLvd. hipsters and the
faithfuL famiLyhood. FoLLowing the fishbone set was the second ever
"Punk Rock PiLLow Fights": An infLatabLe ring, cheesy Lounge-singer
announcer/commentators, scantiLy cLad ring girLs, and $2.00 pints of
Viper Room mystery Lager... The first bout featured two suicide-ish
grrLs, who quickLy dropped the piLLows and started wrestLing and making
out. The second bout featured Sarah and her friend versus Norwood. He
Lost. The third and finaL bout was won by Lauren's girL Maria, who
sLaughtered the ring girL.
A coupLe of words about Mr. AngeLo Moore: the man has to be one of the
most accompLished theremin pLayers on the pLanet. He has attained
incredibLy expressive controL over a very tricky and fickLe instrument
(if you've ever tried to pLay one, you know what i mean). He can make
that thing sing Like a bird, purr Like a kitty, and drop bombs Like a
beLLigerent bastard...
?did anyone happen to hear about angeLo on the news? I didn't get the
whoLe story, butt apparentLy he got stuck on the side of a mountain
with his daughter and his rescue made the 11 o'cLock news. We had a
Laugh when I toLd him he signed my "LinkoLogy" book "This one's for
LeMont..." I have an uncLe Lamont...
before the show, we picked up mr. Lonnie MarsaLL and went to the
studios of Mr. Overton Loyd, who showed us some top-secret shit he's
working on for George, and some of his recent paintings. He did some
LoveLy watercoLors of the band during the show. TruLio wiLL be pLaying
every tuesday at goodhurt in west LA. http://www.goodhurt.net
finaLLy, whiLe it's true there ain't nobody cooL Like me, i ain't
drinkin' no hater aid, and when i mention keepers of the fLame, it goes
out to each and every one of you. yes, we are fortunate here on the
Left coast to get more than out fair share of nuttin'. Let's smoke the
peace pipe and get over the hump. Another generation, forward ever,
backward never...
~w. L?r Miles
(submitted through the Nuttwork)