Fishbone made once again an incredible show in Madrid, altough they had everything against this night. In the morning they were in Tarragona and some mother****** stole important things of the equipment, so they had to call the police and because of all that things they couldn´t arrive at the club of Madrid until 9 PM with a logical displeasure. So the concert started about one and half hour later.
But Fishbone are invencible and as an Answer for this unjustice they compliment us with an almost 3 hours show of 20 songs (Freddy is dead and when problems arise don´t appears at the set list but were also played). Just when they came to stage the band started with an intense rithm jamming with a jazz intro and Angelo introducing the musicians. The stage was too small but this was not an impediment for Angelo and the other guys to make the crowd go crazy. Angelo and Dre swamm over our heads several times and Norwood was dancing and smiling the full show. The whole band definitly seemed to forget what had happened to themselves in the morning. What a lesson of pure energy, groove and intensity and how much have many bands to learn from Fishbone. They really deserve everything.
It was great to hear songs like Chim chim badass revenge, deep inside, one planet people or when problems arise (this one was excellent!!!) that they didin´t use to play in the last european tours. They abandoned the stage and returned for two times because nobody wanted to go, and they finished with a long and intense servitude with solos from everyone of the band.After the show the full band were at the bar and I had the oportunitty to talk with them and give them thanks for playing that night in spite of the problems they had that morning.
Casi 3 horas! Siguen en plena forma. Impresionante Servitude en el segundo bis.
La mejor banda en directo.