Chicago, Illinois
Wed 23 Feb 2011
3. Give it Up
4. Date Rape
5. Ma & Pa
6. A Selection
7. Cholly
11. Question of Life
14. Alcoholic
16. Deep Inside
22. Lyin' Ass Bitch
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There are great fucking concerts and then there is Fishbone live! As usual the boys came out and kicked arse! They opened with Sunless Saturday and then followed with Ma& Pa and don't recall what was played in what sequence. Now I know better than to space out so close to the stage, which I did; when I looked up I saw Angelo tumbling over the crowd right at me. I managed to hold on to my hat and keep Angelo from hitting the floor.
Talking with him and getting a few pics before the show were definite highlights. Your "hair" didn't fool me, but still was appropriately you. Another highlight was hanging out with our new friend Lindsey(sorry if I spelled your name wrong).
The opening bands were pretty rocking too. Don't want to skip out on any praise. Although I was a little bummed not to see Rocky or McKnight, but a great time all the same!