Saint Jean de Vedas (Montpellier), France
Sun 08 May 2011
Secret Place

2. The Suffering
intro rub a dub soldier
intro rub a dub soldier
3. Cholly
8. Ma & Pa
9. Give it Up
10. Date Rape
11. A Selection
12. Let Dem Ho's Fight
intro Angelo spoken word
intro Angelo spoken word
14. Sunless Saturday
16. Alcoholic
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The setlist may not be in the right order and miss one or two songs but it's quite close. Almost a "best of" setlist !
The show was really energic as usual but the sound was not very clear (as usual too unfortunaltly...)
Despite the very little stage and low roof, Angelo, Dre and Jay kept diving in the crowd and the band gave its best no matter what, Angelo sang his heart out and did all his funny "cartoon faces".
Good to have Dirty Walt back and can't wait for the 18th to see them live again with hopefully "hide behind my glasses" in the setlist !
Fishbone rules.
"Private" Mika from Avignon, France.