St Avé, France
Sat 24 Nov 2012
1. The Goose
2. The Suffering
w. Rub A Dub soldier Intro
w. Rub A Dub soldier Intro
7. Dui Friday
8. Ma & Pa
9. Date Rape
13. Question of Life
14. Lyin' Ass Bitch
15. Cholly
w. Bustin' Loose Intro
w. Bustin' Loose Intro
16. Crazy Glue
18. Alcoholic
21. Fishbone Soldier
Angelo on Jew's harp +norw&stew
Angelo on Jew's harp +norw&stew
22. Freddie's Dead
23. Flutter Butter
24. Sunless Saturday
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The last show of this long european and french tour! They were tired but they did a great show!! A lady showed her boobs before she stage dived and great songs ; hide behind my glasses and subliminal facism! And fishbone soldier poem with angelo on jew's harp! Alcoholic very well shot ttp:// Hide behind my glasses thank visual fx for these two videos