
Drove an hour and a half from TO to Niagara Falls to meet up with Teddaultimatebonehead, his girlfriend and three of their friends. I'd spoken with Ted a few times on the phone over the past few months but we hadn't met until yesterday. I would just like to thank, you and your friends Ted for making me feel right at home as soon as I got to the hotel it was greatly appreciated. Met up with lmnopqr@home from Kitchener just before the start of the show (never got to see your pictures dude. No sign of Adam or the other Buffalo Soldiers (Jah Rastafari). Anyways, on to the show.
I don't think that I've had this much fun watching FB having fun since the '91 heyday. Call out Fire Marshall Bill because the band was smoking.
Angelo wasn't his jovial self, even when signing things there were no jokes and he usually gave one word answers. Dirty Walt must be getting private sponsorship from 'Slim Fast' because my brotha' has lost some serious weight since I saw them last. It also showed in his movements on stage, there's nothing better than a lively Walt funkin' across the stage IMO.
Sorry McNutt but with the setlist as it was, Angelo's theremine (sp) combined with Spacey T's effects the keys were not missed at all. Speaking of the setlist, it was as follows:
Do you Have a Mind of Your Own? - Dog King of the Freaks
Nutmeg World - Dog King of The Freaks Ted tried his best to get Walt to tour the shit on his own. Only time will tell.
Skankin' to the Beat
Karma Tsunami (The studio version not compare to the live version)
Just Allow
Frank Fuc'n Nerve Endings (New Song) - Vanilla Lips you were right, this one is definitely in vein offffff, wait for it....
Primmadwnutt - That's right Trey, Primmadawnutt. Suckkkaaaaaaaaa! Wood announced to crowd that it was the first time that they had played it in front of an audience. He quickly corrected himself and added, "on this tour". Wait until you guys hear this version, the horns are a lot sweeter and there's an extended reggae bridge. Best surprise of the night by far.
Behaviour Fucking Control Technician - No matter how much I try, there's no fucking way I can get sick of this song. Live or studio version. FB at it's best no matter which lineup is playing it.
Shakey Ground - Spacey didn't dedicate the song to Eddie like I was expecting him to. Speaking of Spacey, does anyone out there besides Ted and myself think that Spacey T is the guy to watch at FB shows these days?
Not to take anything away from the other guys but GODDAMN Spacey! The brotha is sick. Back to Shakey Ground, slowed down and more soulful version IMO I could have grooved for 20 minutes to that one.
One Plan-Nut People - I like the horns at the end and I like what the lyrics say but this could be my least favourite song on Nuttwerx. The chorus just doesn't do it for me so if there was a low point of the show, this was it.
People didn't seem to be grooving too much to this one.
Cholly - Welcome Back!! You know how good a song is when you see guys whom have been playing it for 15 years dancing there motherfucking asses of as the play it. What a sight to see. More on this later
Surface Bitches - Poem by Angelo - Memo to self "See a Dr. Madd Vibe performance at all cost."
Lyin' Ass Beaaaauuuuch!- May have received the biggest reception of the night
If I - "What would you do, Walter?"
RIOT - FB at it's most fierce. Pure mayhem and heavenly bliss rolled up in a nice little package. "Just look at you shit smolder", indeed.
Sunless Saturday - Angelo, god bless him, can still sing this like a MOFO.
This may be the most grueling song that he's ever has to sing in an FB set.
Bonin' in the Boneyard - Period
Aids and Armegeddon - Every song from Nuttwerx sounds better live.
Let the Ho's Fight - Angelo poem
Freddie's Dead
Party - These guys still play this like their live's depend on it.
Spoke with 'Wood at the bar after the show about re-recording the songs that were lost for the split cd with Powerball, the comp. coming out in August, the new and improved version of Primadawnutt and oh yeah, the Nuttwerk Neighborhood tee's. The conversation went something like this:
John: Hey Wood, do you have those tee's from the list that Sara printed up?
Wood: Yeah man, I do. On the bus.
John: Oh man that's great. Sara said that the green came out the best and that's the colour I have. Can't wait to see them.
Wood: You're the first guy to come up to me and ask me about those shirts.
John: Word of warning Wood, I won't be the last. Sarah has asked us to get in touch with you at the gigs.
Wood: Oh man, Sarah's gonna kill me 'cause I ain't being paying too much attention to the stuff.
Enter Ted (the set list grabbing) Bonehead.
Ted: Wood I don't want to bug you but do you have the shirts from the list?
Wood: Yeah, they're on the bus.
What seemed like an eternity of silence passes.
Ted: Alright Wood, I don't want to bug ya, I talk to you later.
Norwood at this point looks to me, smiles and guzzles back the last half of his beer. I took this as my queue to take off too.
John: Alright Wood, nice talking to you, Make sure you guys get your asses up to Toronto soon.
Wood: Wait a minute, I have to get you a teeshirt right?
John: Yeah, yeah that's right.
We talked some more over a beer and then:
John: Wood, are you going to get my shirt or what?
Wood just smiles from ear to ear which makes me bust out laughing.
John: I'll see you in Toronto.
Wood: Alright!
Sorry Wood, I just had to do it!
I love Fishbone!!
John aka J. Wo.

I've be on this list for a long time, never gotten to interact with any of ya first hand. That happily has changed. I got to know a great guy yesterday, J. Wo. I have to say he fit in with the fish head posse quite well. We both had some great conversations with the band at the show. I scooped a set list and got John Stewart to sign it. I also made John promise that he would not quit Fishbone (I'm not joking), I'm paranoid what can I say. John later tried to pick up our girlfriends, he laid off when he saw they were with us, he did ask us to bring out more girls for the Toronto show (if that ever happens). As J.Wo mentioned I was all over Dirty Walt bugging him to do a full on Dirty Walt tour, he dug that I was that into his shit. Norwood, every time I talk to that guy I tell him he is a God. He is always very gracious about it, hey, I'm not shitting him when I say that kinda stuff. I also congratulated him on his new daughter and tried to get a shirt (you know how that went). I have to agree with J. Wo. when he says that Spacey T is the man to watch these days. He had the tastiest fx going on and his metal chug was like a machine. The slow and nasty groove on Shakey Ground really hit the spot.
Thanks to my new buddy J.Wo !!
Ted da Bonehead
this i am guessing at
first performance "ever, this time around" says Norwood
Surface Bitches
spoken word version
not on the setlist
woooooo hoo great show as i expected but i now have a greater respect for the newer memmbers,they kicked ass.hooked up with john,adam and ted(thebonehead)good bunch of guys.I couldnt get a shirt because they wouldnt accept canadian money. I was kinda bummed i didnt get to puff one with the boys.because john steward took me and my friends out for a beer,he almost missed the bus and there was no time for puffing.but all in all great show keep up the good work.