San Diego, California
Fri 30 Dec 2005
3. Alcoholic
4. Ugly
7. Premadawnutt
10. The Suffering
12. Lyin' Ass Bitch
13. Ma & Pa
14. Karma Tsunami
16. Date Rape
18. Jackass Brigade
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I would like to mention that I meant to go see Fishbone Thanksgiving Weekend here at San Diego's House of Blues, but I did not. . . Why? Being a poor starving musician, I could not afford Ticket Master's ticket fees + the House of Blues house fees. If they want to charge $40 for a ticket, then just do so. Don't say that the tickets are only $20, and then charge all of these fees on top of that price. What are those fees for anyway? Now that is off of my chest. . . on to the show!
This is my 3rd time seeing Fishbone at Canes. Right when I walked through the front doors, I see Angelo standing behind the merch. counter selling his Dr. Madd Vibe gear: some t-shirts and CD's. No Fishbone gear, just Dr. Madd Vibe stuff.
This show had 2 opening bands. First one is not worth mentioning. The second band was pretty good. Their name was Beligerant. . . I think.
Fishbone took the stage and rocked the house from the time they played their first note to the time they put their instruments down. I was surprised to see that certain members were not there at the show, and havn't seen them for quite some time now. Torrel and both Dre's were not at the show. Curtis was sittin' in on Trumpet and McKnight was doing fine playing keys, trombone, and guitar.
Angelo had a new type of Theromine. Instead of having that huge bulkey box, he had this cool little brief case model. Very cool little invention.
During Premadonanutt, Norwood broke his "A" string. He made it through that tune, but had to run backstage for about 5 minutes while him and his techi scambled around to find a spare string. During that time Angelo did a Dr. Madd Vibe thing accompanied by the rest of the band.
All-n-all, the show was great!!! No complaints, just tons of great times with some great tunes by one of the best bands of all time.
Keep the sunshine comin' guys!!!