
I made the trip to Crans-Montana and hopefully I made it, because it began to snow and I have only summer tires on my car... Fast no snow the whole season and naturally...
It's a shame we arrived so soon because we catched the 2nd band which was very pathetic. Two guys saying "Marseille" and the name of their band "Ouaistar" every two minute. I just read the split of Wolfundkind and I feel sad, because they were great the three times I saw them open for Fishbone.
Fishbone began around midnight and played for two hours in a big tent near the slopes. Angelo was wearing a black suite with a big hat, Norwood was sporting a very nice knight helmet. I should find one like this, it was too cool.
Same kind of setlist as last year, but with the return of 'Bonin' and what a version !!! No doubt the best one since the reality Tour. Yep that was that great !
Around 300 people, all very pleased by the show, Angelo and Dre visited us a few time despite the huge security fences. The band was very tight and I really appreciate the current line-up. It seems definitively that there is more cohesion and less tensions in the band than with the previous line-up.
Every show I saw with the actual rendition of Fishbone seems better than the previous. I saw a lot of famous bands and artists (I live just ten minutes from Montreux), but Fishbone is really impressing me every time. One of the most professional and entertaining band ever, without a doubt.
Here are some picture, some less blurry than the others ;)
Let's hope they will come back this year.
Fishbone réchauffe le corps et l'esprit des riders
CRANS-MONTANA (VS) Les musiciens new-yorkais ont pimenté un week-end de snowboard et de concerts.
Avec deux séries de concerts, vendredi puis samedi, les riders de la station valaisanne ont pris en pleine figure non seulement la neige tant attendue, mais aussi, et surtout, une grosse concentration de talents musicaux. En marge de la compétition de snowboard Champs Open, une tente aménagée au pied des pistes a accueilli une belle panoplie de groupes suisses, français, anglais et américain. Samedi, le Lausannois d'adoption Kamilean a démarré à 21 h devant une salle clairsemée mais plus active que la veille. Entouré par de nouveaux musiciens, le raggaman a transmis la bonne vibe, qu'il chante a capella ou exprime par des mouvements de danse hip-hop saccadés et gracieux. Ensuite, place à DJ Idem pour un set très éclectique. L'entrée en scène des Fishbone sur le coup des 23 h 30 a secoué une salle pleine pour cette ultime occasion de brûler les calories restantes. Durant presque deux heures, la formation a enchaîné funk, rock, punk et ska, tout en gardant un fil conducteur des rythmes reggae. "Dans un espace aussi libre que les montagnes suisses, on s'éclate plus qu'aux Etats-Unis", dit Angelo, le leader. Cette liberté lui a donné des ailes puisque, sans crier gare, il s'est jeté dans la foule. Les DJ de Round Table Knights ont achevé la soirée. Après six heures de musique non-stop, la tente baptisée "The place to be" aura tenu le choc.
Juan Caido ( )