English translation will follow.
Ce concert était fabuleux. Denis était de la partie ;-)))) ainsi que ma cousine Renata.
Je me suis rarement autant amusé.
Everlastbe, es-tu sur qu'ils ont chant? Bonin' ? Si oui, je regrette amèrement les deux blanches que j'ai été boire.
"Alcoholic" était génial, ce fut un régal de danser sur "Ugly" même sur les nouveaux morceaux que ne connaissais pas.
Pur délire.... pur plaisir...
Vivement le prochain concert...
Bon bein.... j'ai raté Bonin' :-((((
The Botanique is a really cool venue located in an awesome building, formerly a botanical garden. It was nicely filled (considering the very low promotion that the gig received) but not packed and i guess most people were still tired from their week end and they were slow to get into the groov. I tried my best to make people move, but i've had more success earlier. Sound was perfect (i'll post the recording later on) and the setlist had a few incredible surprises: Boning (from memory, hadn't been played since the departure of SpaceyT and Walt in late 2003), Cholly (same), Give it up (same) and... Drunk Skitzo !!! (Arne, where is the setlist?)
Nice seeing a few old friends turning up and Mariam, thanks for the dances ! I'd never ever imagined slow dancing on Drunk Skitzo and that made my night.
After the show, we went to l'Archiduc, supposedly the oldest jazz club in town. I had a nice chat with dre over anything from american politics to music to africa over to pharmaceutical industry... The club did not play any jazz until the good doctor took over the piano at 4 am and started improvising, very much ?la Mingus on his piano improv disc. I was totally astonished to see angelo perform like that on the piano. that impromptu show ended with an awesome version of Slick Nick. Everyone in the club was mesmerized.
Their best show ever (and I saw them 6 times already)! More than 2h40 of concert - total respect!
The crowd was a bit shy even after an amazing start up with Sunless Saturdays but after it went better an better with people dancing and pogo on every song. I was so pleased they played some old school songs like Ugly, Cholly and Give it Up. My favorites for this show were: Skank and go Nuttz, Bonin in the Boneyard, Hide behind My Glasses and the amazing Alcohollic!
Fishbone, you are and will always be the greatest live band in the world. You are always friendly, fun and you respect so much your audience whether the room is packed or not, whether people enjoy themselves or not by giving the best of yourselves.
Thanks for making last night one of the best moments of my life.
Please come back again and again and again and again and again and again.....
With Rub'aDub Soldier intro
Great new version!
(with Dr. Madd Vibe intro)
Live recordings
Type | Source | Length | |||
Soundboard | 02:24:22 |
Woooooohooooooo... What can I say... Once more an incredible show... I came in 2 songs too late, so I missed Sunless and Let them hoes fight, but I caught the end of Karma Tsunami... I was planning on attending the show from the background and just enjoy the sound, but alas.. I couldn't keep my body from dancing to the ever stimulating Fishbone sound... It was immediately noticeable: the sound has grown again! This show was probably one of the most funky style Fishbone shows I have witnessed (damn that bass was super funky...)! (logic that I couldn't keep my body still). Some great returns on the set list: Cholly! (dedicated to the fat chicks)... Give it Up!!! (my god, what a superb version.. the song sounded so fresh and so new with this heavy sound! Denis, I would really like to hear this version again! It sounded like a real hit in my ears!) and of course: Bonin' (as the last song before the encore)... Although I was longing for a break (where is that condition I had 15 years ago ;-)), I couldn't resist dancing...
After a long round of applause, they finally came back to the stage for a superb Behind Closed Doors (dedicated to the homeless people): definitely a classic! The devil made me do it was dedicated to the pope... (for pedophilia within the Catholic church) and they closed the first encore with a great version of Alcoholic! Dre is such a wonderful addition to the band (keys, voice and attitude!)
Not so long after, Dr. Madd Vibe came back to the stage and the poem smoothly ran over into DRUNK SKITZO!!! My god, that had been a long time since I've heard that one... Wooohooo.. what a song! What an energy! Superb! After Frey'd F. Nerve they ended with a heavy version of Servitude..
All in all an amazing show by a band that seems to have grown a lot again since the last show... the coherence in this group is there and they are getting tightier every time! It is a pleasure to see them play new songs (Cholly, Give it Up and Skitzo) with such enthusiasm and musicianship!
I hate my job (not really, just for the night)... I hate to get to bed on a decent hour because of meetings that need special attention and thus a clear mind... So I missed the afterparty..
Damn.. How I would've liked to be there! (jazz club with angelo playing Slick Nick on the piano...)
Another point worth to mention is the presence of some real natural beauties in the audience! Apparently, Marie had brought some friends and clearly they were having a good time (btw.. great dancing with the 'crazy dancing Belgian') and there were some other young women thoroughly enjoying the shown, not too hesitative to come in the pit now and then...
All in all a superb shown (>2h30), sooooo l... don't hesitate to check them out whenever they come around in a 300 km circle from you ;-)
Thank you Fishbone!!!