WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! 3 shows in 5 days for me and this one is now in my top 3.
Got to the venue (very nice) and was able to see Lionel once again and finally meet Raoul. Then we met every member of the band and they all looked in an excellent mood. Angelo was wearing an amazing outfit. Had a nice chat with Professor McKnight whom I missed before as he wasn't so good. Then I saw Jean-Baptiste and we had a nice chat as well. Once we entered in the room, I realized that I wasn't the only one with 3 shows in this tour as Yannick and Christelle were also there!
Denis, you sing and dance much better than the guy who did Fuck the bass player with Inspector Cluzo.
Show time! Angelo was wearing an outfit which made me forget the one of the afternoon. He had his magic socks and the shoes he must have stolen to a clown. The sound was excellent and I could hear Rocky perfectly.
They changed the order of the setlist and between Ya ya ya ya drink is good/alcoholic and the end of Behind closed doors I thought I would die any moment, same fear between Ma & Pa and Sunless Saturday. The audience went nuts and people swimmed/slammed every/any where they could. Dre did some pretty amazing stunts during Give it up and I think he went back in at least 5 times during that song only!
I was also happy to hear Freddie's Dead again and found Forever Moore an excellent choice for an encore (like when they did unyielding Conditioning in Brussels). After the show I got to see again so many smiling faces and happy musicians surrounded by fans (Wet daddy, Professor McKnight, Rocky, Norwood).
I have so much good positive energy in my heart and mind right now and I'm struggling to find a way to explain to my wife why I want to go and see them again in Luxembourg!
une set list de folie,une ambiance de feu,encore un show mémorable !!! vivement Montargis...
Unforgettable night in paris. What an outstanding performance! If you plan to go and see them on this tour, one advice : Beware of explosives ! The audience in paris went totally nutts and kept on adding kerosene to what was consuming itself already on stage at the speed of Halley. That roaring and raging fire soon became uncontrollable to almost everyone! Even for the firestarters, I suspect. Go catch it live !......That is, if you can.
Some stars never die up there in the night sky. Fishbone is one of them.
with rub adub soldier intro
Les bones nous ont fait un concert magistral dont ils ont le secret.
L'équation magique groupe trés en forme + public à fond qui réagit au 1/4 de tour + super set list et super son (Rocky !)= concert démentiel !!! De Give it up à Sunless impossible de respirer ils nous ont matraqué !!!! Meilleur concert de la tournée jusqu'à présent en recoupant les infos cf la familyhood et TAT. Freddy aussi qu'il ne joue pas tout le temps cette tournée.