Manchester, United Kingdom
Mon 05 Nov 2012
Star and Garter

2. The Suffering
w. Rub A Dub soldier Intro
w. Rub A Dub soldier Intro
3. Cholly
w. Bustin' Loose Intro
w. Bustin' Loose Intro
4. The Goose
not on the setlist Angelo at the toilet
not on the setlist Angelo at the toilet
6. Dui Friday
7. Ma & Pa
8. Date Rape
11. Question of Life
12. Lyin' Ass Bitch
13. Crazy Glue
14. Alcoholic
15. Party At Ground Zero
With Champagne!
With Champagne!
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Good show from the guys, with Angelo dedicating Lyin' Ass Bitch to Mitt Romney, very small and cozy venue with a small audience trying to create a big atmoshpere, plenty of skankin' down the front. (Highlight for me being a dance with Angelos wonderful girlfriend), all of this on Angelos 47th birthday. Keep on, keepin' on, wqtch that knee bro!