
A little late, but better than ever I suppose. Gettin' a damn job sho has cut done on my list time, but not by much! I'd say that that damn drive back from Beantown wasted more time then I thought that it would, but BTW...
Did I mention that IMO the Bone is the band THAT HAS SAVED ROCK AND ROLL??!!
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! They fucking completely kicked ass all over Harper's Ferry on Thurs. 10/25! A couple of times my cynical ass was almost moved to tears that shit was so good. Yeah, yeah...I know that Steve Hurley already wrote in with his version, but this is mine, knowwhatimsayin'? I think that he also said that the place was not as packed as the last time he saw them there, but to me the floor was so thick with soldiers that I coulda walked over heads to get to the o ther side of the room. So kick back and enjoy this longass shit, "Rashomon" stylee....
Also known as "The Night Where I Had To Pee About A Million Times" ;-)
So me and the missus get there at about 8pm (Jeezis! I dunno how you Beantown soldiers navigate the twisty turny streets of Baustan! None of the damn streets are clearly marked, some turn into others and then back with little or no notice , etc etc....) and who should we see but Wet Daddy. So we hang out with Steward for about 20 minutes or so shooting the shit: I tell him that he's gotta get on the list (he says that just this week he got an e-mail account set up) after he lea rns from me that we spend a goodly portion of the week just gossiping away about FB...he thought that this was hilarious. I told him that I for one was glad that he was in the band as I think that he's a badass and that his style is pushing the tune s in new directions, also that it's nice to see someone having fun behind the kit. He did say sarcastically that Walt is always nagging him and that Norwood is a slavedriver. I asked Steward who his drum influences were and check these out -- turns out Wet Daddy is a classic rocker -- Bonzo, Moon, and Ian "the plodder" Paice! Sheeeeeitttttt! And then he said Krupa and Peart! Ha ha! Whooda thunk it?? We hung out a lil more and then he had to go pow wow with th e band, so he split. Nice nice nice guy.
Before the show, Dr. Madd Vibe was spinning tunes, and even rocked some Bad Brains "God Of Love" era and goddamn Spike Jones!
So Blowfly was up first and just tripped me and the missus out. Truly good stuff and incessantly rib-tickling...just gotta have a nice and blue sense of humor! Angelo reminded all of us that Blowfly spent the late 60s/early 70s penni ng tunes for other artists (for KC and the Sunshine Band, Mary Wright's "Cleanup Woman" etc) and then Wood, Steward, Spacey and Walt took the stage to back up the artist also known as Clarence Reid. Check out this link:
Anyhoo, Blowfly treated us to a number of ditties, including the alphabet pussy song, a tune referencing the "Devil and Miss Jones", and etc. Reminded my wife of all the raunchy reggae and ska she used to listen to back in the d ay. Don't miss Blowfly.
Dirty Walt segued right from Blowfly's set, and kicked out "Rollin' ", "Nuttin' But," "Swig," "Swisher," and "Nuttmeg World" for about a 25min. set. Spacey and Steward kept jamming on P-Funk riffs 'tween tunes, like "Comin Round the Mtn." and such. Walt kicks ass, if yall will indulge me indulging in trite but true sayings...the funk was layed on thick and greasy, and boy did that shit taste good.
The Good Dr. was up next, and gave us all what looked like several new poems (as he had to read them from scribbled notes!)pertaining to further fallout from his divorce and the court dealings about his little girl...very entertaining and d amn can that man enliven an artform that I previously found to be a bunch of hokey, emotey bullshit. I believe he did some older stuff as well, but I had to visit the facilities due to excess Guinness consumption....
And then the Bone hit the stage and burnt that shit up. Steve H already sent in the set list...and what a great one it was!
Just different enough, yet with a good sprinkling of the old and new...
"Party" -- Amazing how I never tire of this tune, and looks like the guys were into rocking it that night.
"Ugly" -- A new and improved crunchy intro, and then hyperspeed anti-Reaganite fury began....
"Skankin' " -- Everybody was damn well skankin'...
"Prima" -- SHIT!!! The song that I most wanted to hear, and the rearranged horn parts sizzle. One interesting thang:
The crowd at Harper's seemed to eat the new shit up like PB&J yall. Not a bit was wasted, and no soldier, at least no soldier up front, looked put off or confused.
"Bonin' " -- An old fave spiced up, and again, served up hot.
"Aids" -- Awright guys and gals, I give. Live, it does sound better, not to mention Spacey T's note-for-note "Red House" intro was cool too...
"In These Last" -- Crunchy crunchy and we ate it up down front. The new stuff is just way out there.
"Suffering" -- also reworked and super dubby.
"Lyin' Ass" -- Angelo did one of about six surfs on this one, and at the end got a soldier to quote the ending verbatim...funny funny
"Devil Made" -- Coasted right along crazy changes and all, Spacey seemed to dig playing this one a lot
"Riot" -- "Just look at your shit smolder!!!"
"Demon in Here" -- Hell yeah!
"Freddy" -- Ooops, had to take another wizz here, but they kicked it.
"Lose" -- Yep, this one has hooks and soul for days and days, and again, despite being new, most people dug being flown over the cuckoo's nest.
"Unyielding" -- Shit! Haven't heard that one in about 7 a call from an old friend....
"Alco" -- Damn sure what I was feeling like as I went to get another Guinness...
"FFNE" -- Amazing.
"DI" -- Same as above
"SS" -- Yep.
And that's right, you heard right, the encore was "FB is Red Hot." I had never heard them do this one live (out of 13 times that I've seen 'em since '91) and I was knocked out. Then that was it, and I was immed iately struck by just how much this band and their music truly (and in every sense of the word) ROCKS. But I don't need to preach to the choir, do I?
Met up with Luc and the man's supa cool. The dude and his bud Vince drove all the way from Montreal, Great White North to hit the show, and were going back the next that's some driving! Made me feel like a wuss fer bitching about my 2.5 hr. jaunt from VT. We talked during and after the set, not to mention my many trips to the mens room! And I ate a whole stomach-load of fatoush and shwarma before the show just to soak up the Irish black liquid heaven...
We saw another dude with a yellow shirt on...he actually saw me first as I was coming out of the restroom before FB hit the stage and said "whassupp?" I just said "Hey dude" as he had a jacket on and I couldn't see his shirt. Then my wife told me (later) that "this guy over here has a shirt on" and damn, he sure I waved at him, and he waved back...and that was it! And then right before the end of the show my wife pointed out another guy with a black list tee on, but see ing as how they had just launched into "Sunless" there was no way in hell that I was gonna be able to get the guy's attention, so I looked for him after and couldn't find him. ;-( But I met up with Luc and that was pretty cool....
Well soldiers, that's about all I can recollect at this particular time. But all I really need to say is, in the immortal words of Keisha, is this: I LOVE FISHBONE!
t aka vl
just wanted to give a little info from the Ithaca show:
blowfly, funny as hell. maybe i'm imature, but i enjoyed it. my girlfriend
was kinda pissed though that he signled her out for most of the songs, "you
fuck like and infant"
dirty walt was realy good too. but the sound in general wasn't that great.
vocals were weak all night and i didn't get to hear nutmeg world cause i had
to bring my camera back to my car. damn restrictions!
madd vibe was great too. he did ja ja on the telephone, f, me, and mabe one
more that eludes me. i bought his book afterwards and lemme just say, its
everything and more than what i expected. i have the cd, but the stuff in
the book is so much more powerfull to me. maybe its just that i can read all
the words instead of guessing what he's saying.
Fishbone were so amazing. the club was maybe a little over half full 200-300.
I brought 8 friends with me who either had never heard fishbone or had heard
just a little, and they were all blown away. again, the sound wasn't the
best, but what can ya do
they played, not in exact order and mybe not complete
swim!!!!!! this was posibly my favorite song of the night, so amazing live
unyeilding conditioning
question of life, another highlight
party at ground zero
karma tzunami
aids + arm.
last days
loose our minds my favorite new soing that they played
freyed fucking nerve endings, norwood's amazing
are you wid it
lyin ass bitch
selection, what a suprise
behavior control tech.
skank and go nuts
fishbone is red hot
that's all i got, Gabe